Salad dressing

Salad dressing - inevidimka salad dressing 4b22777e 3afd 41fb 8939 e3332b17b991

Salad dressing is a fundamental component of culinary traditions worldwide, used to enhance and complement the flavors of fresh vegetables and greens. The history of salad dressing dates back to ancient times, with variations found in nearly every culture. From the simple oil and vinegar mixtures of the Mediterranean to the creamy dressings of North America, salad dressings are as diverse as the salads they accompany. A great dressing not only adds moisture but also brings out the natural tastes of the salad ingredients, providing a balance of flavors that can elevate a simple dish to something special. This recipe focuses on a versatile and delicious salad dressing that can be used with a variety of vegetable salads.

Serves: +10
  • Extra virgin olive oil 60 ml
  • Lemon juice 30 ml
  • Dijon mustard 15 g
  • Honey 10 g
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Salt 5 g
  • Black pepper 2 g
  • Fresh herbs 10 g
60 minsPrint
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. This mixture forms the acidic base of your dressing, providing a bright and tangy flavor.
  • Incorporate the Dijon mustard and honey into the bowl. The mustard adds a tangy depth, while the honey brings a subtle sweetness that balances the acidity of the lemon juice.
  • Add the minced garlic to the mixture along with salt and black pepper. Garlic adds a punch of flavor, while the seasonings enhance the overall taste profile of the dressing.
  • If using, stir in the finely chopped fresh herbs. Herbs can add a fresh and aromatic dimension to the dressing, complementing the flavors of your salad.
  • Whisk all the ingredients together vigorously until the dressing is well combined and emulsified. The emulsification process allows the oil and lemon juice to blend into a smooth dressing rather than separating.
  • Sample the dressing and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Depending on your preference, you might want to add more salt, lemon juice, or honey.

Storage Tips

Store the salad dressing in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. If the olive oil solidifies or the ingredients separate, let the dressing sit at room temperature for a few minutes and then shake or whisk well before using.

Useful Properties of the Main Ingredient

Extra virgin olive oil, the primary ingredient in this dressing, is renowned for its health benefits. Rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, it has been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and combat inflammation.

Interesting Facts

  • Global Variations: Salad dressing recipes vary significantly around the world, reflecting local ingredients and culinary preferences. For instance, Asian dressings often incorporate soy sauce and sesame oil, while European dressings might feature vinegars and herbs.
  • Ancient Origins: The practice of dressing salads with oil and vinegar has ancient roots, with records of such dressings going back to Babylonian times.
  • Nutritional Enhancement: Aside from adding flavor, dressings can also help in absorbing more nutrients from the salad, particularly fat-soluble vitamins found in leafy greens and vegetables.

This easy-to-make and delicious salad dressing recipe offers a perfect balance of flavors to complement any vegetable salad, enhancing the natural freshness of the ingredients while adding a layer of complexity to the dish.

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