Tomato sauce

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Tomato sauce is a beloved culinary treasure with a rich history that spans several centuries. Believed to have its origins in the southern regions of Italy, it made its mark in the 16th century after the tomato was brought to Europe from the New World. Initially met with suspicion, the tomato won the hearts of Europeans and became a cornerstone of Italian cuisine. Today, tomato sauce is a universal ingredient used in a variety of dishes from classic pasta to pizzas, meat stews, and as a dip.

Serves: +10
  • Tomatoes (fresh and ripe) 800 g
  • Olive oil 50 g
  • Garlic (finely chopped) 20 g
  • Onion (finely diced) 150 g
  • Fresh basil leaves 30 g
  • Salt 8 g
  • Pepper (freshly ground) 2 g
  • Sugar (optional, if the tomatoes are too acidic) 5 g
60 minsPrint
  • Begin by scoring the tomatoes with a sharp knife, making a small ‘x’ on the bottom of each. Blanch them in boiling water for a minute before transferring to an ice bath. This process will make it easier to peel them.
  • Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Crush the tomatoes using a food mill, potato masher, or a blender for a smoother texture.
  • In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced onions and cook until they are soft and translucent, then add the garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.
  • Pour the crushed tomatoes into the pan with the onions and garlic. Stir in the basil leaves, torn by hand to release more flavor.
  • Season with salt and pepper, and if the tomatoes are quite acidic, a little sugar can be added to balance the flavors.
  • Simmer the sauce over low heat for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The longer it cooks, the richer and thicker it will become.
  • Taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning if necessary. For an even texture, the sauce can be pureed with an immersion blender.

Storage Tips

To store, allow the sauce to cool completely and then transfer it to an airtight container. It can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. For long-term storage, freeze the sauce in portions using freezer bags or containers, and it can last for up to 6 months.

Useful Properties of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a treasure trove of nutritional benefits. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. The red pigment, lycopene, is a powerful antioxidant with potential health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

Interesting Facts

  • Tomato sauce was first documented in Italian cookbooks in the late 17th century.
  • The simplicity of the original tomato sauce has evolved into various regional and international adaptations, with each culture adding its own signature herbs and spices.
  • Tomato sauce’s popularity skyrocketed with the canning revolution in the 19th century, which made tomatoes and tomato sauce widely accessible year-round.
  • The annual ‘La Tomatina’ festival in Spain celebrates tomatoes in a rather unconventional way—by throwing them in a massive, town-wide food fight.
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