How to Make Japanese tempura sauce

How to Make Japanese tempura sauce - Снимок экрана 2023 07 13 в 16.03.28
  • 250ml dashi
  • 50ml soy sauce
  • 50ml mirin (sweet rice wine)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Grated daikon radish (for serving)
  • Grated ginger (for serving)
Per serving
Calories: 84 kcal
Proteins: 0.6 g
Fats: 0.2 g
Carbohydrates: 21.1 g
15 minsPrint
  • In a small saucepan, combine the dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar.
  • Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a simmer.
  • Allow the sauce to simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar and blend the flavors.
  • Once the sauce has simmered and the flavors have melded together, remove it from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Transfer the sauce to a serving bowl or individual dipping bowls.
  • Serve the tempura sauce with grated daikon radish and grated ginger on the side for dipping.

The tempura sauce is typically served with tempura, a popular Japanese dish consisting of battered and deep-fried seafood, vegetables, or other ingredients. The sauce adds a savory, slightly sweet, and umami-rich flavor to the crispy and delicate tempura.

In conclusion, Japanese tempura sauce is a classic and essential condiment in Japanese cuisine. Its combination of dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar creates a harmonious balance of flavors that complements the light and crispy texture of tempura. The addition of grated daikon radish and ginger adds freshness and a touch of spiciness to the dipping experience. It is a simple yet flavorful sauce that enhances the enjoyment of tempura dishes.

Facts about Japanese tempura sauce:

  1. Traditional Flavor: Tempura sauce, known as “tentsuyu” in Japanese, has been a staple in Japanese cuisine for centuries. Its flavors are carefully balanced to enhance the delicate taste of tempura without overpowering it.
  2. Versatile Dipping Sauce: While tempura sauce is commonly associated with tempura dishes, it can also be used as a dipping sauce for other Japanese dishes such as sashimi, steamed vegetables, or even as a flavoring for udon or soba noodles.
  3. Umami-Rich Ingredients: The base of tempura sauce is often made using dashi, a Japanese soup stock derived from ingredients like bonito flakes (dried fish flakes) and kombu (dried kelp). These ingredients contribute to the umami flavor profile of the sauce.
  4. Sweet and Savory Combination: Tempura sauce achieves its signature taste by combining the savory flavors of soy sauce with the subtle sweetness of mirin, a sweet rice wine. The addition of sugar further balances the flavors.
  5. Individual Serving Style: In Japanese cuisine, each diner is typically provided with their own small bowl of tempura sauce. This allows for personal portion control and ensures that the sauce remains fresh throughout the meal.
  6. Accompaniments: Tempura sauce is often served with grated daikon radish and grated ginger. The daikon radish adds a refreshing crunch, while the ginger provides a hint of spiciness that complements the flavors of the tempura.
  7. Customization: Some variations of tempura sauce may include additional ingredients such as grated garlic, green onions, or sesame seeds. These variations add unique flavors and textures to the sauce.
  8. Simplicity and Balance: Tempura sauce is appreciated for its simplicity and ability to enhance the natural flavors of tempura. Its light and well-balanced taste allow the delicate textures of the tempura ingredients to shine through.
  9. Homemade Preparation: While pre-made tempura sauce is widely available in stores, many households in Japan still prefer to make their own sauce from scratch. This allows for customization and ensures the freshest flavors.
  10. Cultural Significance: Tempura, along with its accompanying sauce, is an integral part of Japanese cuisine and is often served in traditional settings such as tea houses or upscale restaurants. It represents the art of frying food to perfection and the appreciation of simple, yet refined, flavors.
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